Find Out Where an IP Address Is From

An IP address is like a postcode for computers on the internet. Let's discover where one comes from!

What You'll Get

  • The name of the internet provider
  • The country where the IP is located
  • The region or county
  • The city (but it might not always be exact)
  • A guess at where it is on a map

What You Won't Get

  • A person's name
  • The exact street address
  • A phone number
  • An email address

How Accurate Is This?

Country: 99% accurate
Region: 90% accurate
City: 81% accurate (within 40 km)

Protecting Your Privacy

If you want to keep your own IP address private, you might want to use a mobile proxy. This can help hide your real location when you're using the internet on your phone or tablet.

For more advanced protection, especially when using a computer, you could try using residential proxies. These make it look like you're browsing from a regular home internet connection.