Our stable, fast Estonian proxies unblock Estonia-exclusive services and access localized data from anywhere.

Watch ERR, ETV, and TV3 while abroad, or scrape Estonia-targeted sites like postimees.ee, delfi.ee, and err.ee with ResiProx’s Estonian residential and mobile proxies.

We offer some of the fastest Estonian proxies, with 99.9% uptime.

Our growing pool currently has 34,560 Estonian IP addresses, ensuring you never run out.

Boost your proxy game with ResiProx’s best-in-class Estonian residential proxies and mobile proxies.

Residential, Mobile and Dedicated IPs in Estonia

Estonian proxy servers offer residential, mobile, and dedicated IPs.

These options help users stay anonymous and access geo-restricted content.

Residential IPs in Estonia number over 34,560.

They provide high anonymity and precise geo-targeting.

Mobile IPs are dynamic and excellent for bypassing restrictions.

Dedicated IPs are unique and not shared, offering enhanced reliability.

Recent data shows Estonia’s internet penetration rate is 89.1%.

The country ranks 14th globally for average internet speed.

Estonian IP addresses are valuable for various online tasks:

• Web scraping • Multi-account management • Accessing region-locked content • Market research • Ad verification

Here’s a quick overview of Estonian IP types:

IP TypeKey FeatureBest For
ResidentialHigh anonymityGeo-targeting
MobileDynamic, hard to detectBypassing restrictions
DedicatedStable, consistent connectionReliable, long-term usage

Estonia’s strong digital infrastructure makes it an ideal proxy location.

The country’s e-residency programme attracts global tech businesses.

This creates a diverse and tech-savvy IP pool for proxy users.

Location / Cities with the highest number of IPs in Estonia

Estonia’s proxy network is mainly found in its big cities.

Tallinn, the capital, has the most proxy IPs. This is because Tallinn has the most people and tech companies.

Tartu, the second-largest city, also has many proxy IPs.

Narva, an important industrial city, has a good number of IPs too.

Recent data shows that over 70% of Estonia’s IP addresses are in these three cities.

Tallinn alone accounts for about 50% of the country’s IP addresses. This concentration helps provide strong and reliable proxy services.

Estonia is known for its advanced digital infrastructure. The country has one of the fastest internet speeds in Europe.

Here’s a breakdown of IP distribution in Estonian cities:

• Tallinn: 50% • Tartu: 15% • Narva: 5% • Other cities: 30%

Estonia’s digital success is partly due to its e-Residency programme. This programme allows people from anywhere to set up and run a business in Estonia.

It has attracted many tech companies to the country. As a result, the number of IP addresses in Estonia continues to grow.

This growth is especially noticeable in the main cities.

Why Should you use a Estonian Proxy Server?

Estonian proxy servers offer many benefits for people and businesses online.

They help keep you anonymous by hiding your real internet address.

You can access Estonian websites and services from anywhere in the world.

The connections are fast and reliable, working 99.9% of the time.

You can use different types of connections, like HTTPS and SOCKS5.

Recent data shows that Estonia has one of the fastest internet speeds in Europe.

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As of 2023, Estonia ranks 11th globally for internet speed.

The average download speed in Estonia is 107.61 Mbps.

Estonian proxy servers are great for businesses that need to test their websites in different locations.

They also help people bypass geo-restrictions on streaming services.

Many users choose Estonian proxies for online gaming to reduce lag.

Here’s a simple table showing Estonia’s internet stats:

Global Rank (Internet Speed)11th
Average Download Speed107.61 Mbps
Internet Users97.9% of population

Estonian proxies are becoming more popular for cybersecurity research.

They offer a good balance of speed, privacy, and reliability.

Why ResiProx?

ResiProx gives you fast mobile and home internet proxies in Estonia.

They work well for getting data from Estonian websites. The service rarely goes down and has support all day, every day.

ResiProx gets its IPs in a fair way. This makes them a good choice if you need Estonian proxy servers.

Fast Estonia 3G/4G/5G/6G/7G Mobile Proxies

Fast Estonia mobile proxies are in high demand.

ResiProx offers 3G to 7G options that work well. They switch IPs automatically and rarely go down.

These proxies help with web scraping and accessing content from other countries.

They’re fast, reliable, and easy to use.

Reliable Estonian Rotating Residential Proxies

Estonian mobile proxies are fast and reliable.

ResiProx offers rotating proxies that change IPs smoothly. They have:

  • Many Estonian IPs
  • High uptime
  • Quick response times
  • Support for different protocols
  • No limits on use

These proxies work well for safe web scraping and managing multiple accounts.

7/7 live Estonian Support.

ResiProx offers live help from Estonia for their proxy services.

You can get expert help any time, day or night. If you have problems or questions, their team is ready to assist.

This makes using their Estonian proxy services easy and trouble-free.

99% up-time

Choosing a reliable proxy service is key. ResiProx offers a 99% uptime promise. This means you can almost always access over 34,000 Estonian IPs.

ResiProx also:

  • Changes IPs automatically
  • Works with HTTPS and SOCKS5
  • Responds fast (under 0.3 seconds)
  • Lets you use many connections at once

These features make ResiProx a solid choice for proxy needs.

Best for scraping and data collection in Estonia

ResiProx is great for getting data from Estonian websites.

It has:

  • Many Estonian IP addresses
  • IPs that change on their own
  • Almost always works
  • Fast responses
  • Works with secure connections

These things make ResiProx the best choice for collecting data in Estonia.

Ideal for browser automation and Estonian social account management.

ResiProx is great for using browsers on autopilot and handling Estonian social accounts.

It offers:

  • Lots of Estonian IPs (over 34,560)
  • IPs that change on their own
  • Works almost all the time
  • Works with different online tools
  • Easy to use with popular coding helpers

These things make it simple to run accounts and do online tasks smoothly.

Risk-free: Create a free account on ResiProx today.

Try ResiProx for free today. It’s safe and easy.

You’ll get:

  • Fast and reliable proxies
  • Millions of IP addresses
  • Options to pick locations
  • Support for different proxy types

Sign up now to see how it works.


ResiProx offers Estonian proxy servers through their residential and mobile proxy services, providing access to a pool of IP addresses located in Estonia.

Users can obtain Estonian proxies by signing up for ResiProx’s services and selecting Estonia as their desired location.

The legality of proxy usage in Estonia depends on the specific application, with legitimate business purposes generally considered acceptable.

How do I get a Estonian proxy?

To get an Estonian proxy:

Look for a service with lots of Estonian IPs.

Good features include:

  • Many Estonian IP addresses
  • IP rotation for safety
  • Always working
  • Works with different web setups
  • Can use many connections at once

Pick a service that has these things for the best results.

How many Residential and Mobile IPs are available in Estonia ?

Estonia has a growing number of residential and mobile IPs.

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The exact count changes often due to new connections and network updates.

As of 2023, Estonia has about 1.3 million internet users.

This means there are likely hundreds of thousands of residential IPs available.

Mobile IPs are also plentiful, with over 1.7 million mobile subscriptions in the country.

Estonia is known for its advanced digital infrastructure.

It has one of the highest internet penetration rates in Europe at 89.1%.

The country offers 5G coverage to 75% of its population.

This high-tech environment supports a large pool of both residential and mobile IPs.

Estonian IPs are valuable for accessing local content and services.

They can be used for market research, ad verification, and web scraping in Estonia.

Here’s a quick overview of Estonia’s internet landscape:

  • Population: 1.3 million
  • Internet users: 1.3 million
  • Mobile subscriptions: 1.7 million
  • Internet penetration: 89.1%
  • 5G coverage: 75% of population

These numbers suggest a rich supply of both residential and mobile IPs in Estonia.

What is a Estonia proxy address?

An Estonia proxy address is an IP address from a server in Estonia. It acts as a go-between for your device and the internet.

This proxy makes it look like you’re browsing from Estonia. It hides your real location and IP address. This helps protect your privacy online.

You can use it to access Estonian websites and services. These might be blocked in other countries.

Estonian proxies are known for being fast and reliable. They rarely go offline or have connection issues.

These proxies work with different types of internet connections. They support secure protocols like HTTPS and SOCKS5.

Recent data shows Estonia has one of the fastest internet speeds in Europe. As of 2023, the average download speed is 70.90 Mbps.

Estonia is also a leader in digital innovation and cybersecurity. This makes Estonian proxies a trusted choice for online privacy.

  • 99% of Estonian government services are available online
  • Estonia ranks 3rd in the EU Digital Economy and Society Index
  • Over 99% of banking transactions in Estonia are done online

These facts highlight Estonia’s advanced digital infrastructure. This infrastructure supports high-quality proxy services.

Are proxies illegal in Estonia?

Proxies are legal in Estonia when used properly.

They must follow Estonian laws and rules.

Many people use proxies for good reasons.

These include looking at websites from different countries.

Proxies can also help businesses check their online presence.

It’s important to use proxies ethically and respect privacy laws.

Estonian law supports internet freedom and privacy.

The country is known for its advanced digital society.

Recent studies show that 98% of Estonians use the internet regularly.

This high usage makes proxy services more common.

Proxy users must be careful not to break any laws.

Using proxies for illegal activities is not allowed.

Estonian businesses often use proxies for market research.

Individuals might use them to protect their online identity.

The key is to use proxies responsibly and legally.

Estonia’s cyber laws are among the most progressive in Europe.

This creates a friendly environment for proxy use.

Always check the latest laws before using proxy services.

What is the total number of IP addresses available in ?

The number of IP addresses in Estonia is growing rapidly.

Recent data shows Estonia has over 1.3 million IPv4 addresses.

This is impressive for a country with just 1.3 million people.

Estonia also leads in adopting IPv6, the newer internet protocol.

About 35% of Estonian internet users can access IPv6 addresses.

This puts Estonia ahead of many other European countries.

The country’s digital focus helps explain its strong IP address growth.

Estonia offers e-Residency, allowing people worldwide to get an Estonian IP.

This programme has boosted the number of Estonian IP addresses.

Here’s a quick look at Estonia’s IP address stats:

  • Total IPv4 addresses: 1,300,000+
  • IPv6 adoption rate: 35%
  • IP addresses per capita: 1:1 ratio
  • Year-on-year growth: 5%

Estonia’s commitment to digital innovation drives its IP address expansion.

The country aims to have more IP addresses than physical residents.

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This goal supports Estonia’s vision as a digital society.

What is my current proxy?

Your current proxy can be found in different places.

It depends on what device or app you’re using.

For most devices, check your network settings.

Look for a section called “proxy” or “proxy server”.

Some apps have their own proxy settings.

These are usually in the app’s preferences or settings menu.

If you use ResiProx, log in to see your proxy details.

The ResiProx dashboard shows your current proxy and IP address.

Knowing your proxy is important for online privacy and access.

It can help you bypass geo-restrictions and stay anonymous online.

Recent data shows 31% of internet users use a proxy regularly.

Here’s a quick breakdown of proxy usage:

• 31% – Regular proxy users • 42% – Occasional proxy users • 27% – Never use a proxy

To check if your proxy is working:

  1. Visit a “What’s my IP” website
  2. Compare the shown IP with your actual IP
  3. If they’re different, your proxy is active

Remember to update your proxy settings regularly for best performance.

Should I use free Estonian proxies?

Free Estonian proxies might seem tempting, but they come with big risks.

They often lack good security, leaving you open to online dangers.

These proxies can be unreliable and may stop working without warning.

Most free proxies have few IP addresses, which means websites might block you.

Slow speeds are common with free proxies, making browsing frustrating.

If something goes wrong, you’re on your own as free services rarely offer help.

Recent data shows that 79% of free proxies are unsafe or untrustworthy.

Paid proxies offer better protection and faster speeds.

They also provide more IP addresses and reliable customer support.

Consider investing in a safe, paid proxy service for peace of mind.

Here’s a quick comparison:

FeatureFree ProxiesPaid Proxies
IP OptionsLimitedMany

Choose wisely to protect your online activities and data.

How do I use a Estonia proxy in Chrome Browser and how to connect to the Estonia proxy server in general?

Using an Estonia proxy in Chrome is easy.

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Chrome and go to Settings.
  2. Click on ‘Advanced’ and then ‘System’.
  3. Choose ‘Open your computer’s proxy settings’.
  4. Enter your Estonia proxy details.
  5. Save the changes and start browsing.

Proxies help you access content from Estonia.

They can also make your internet connection more private.

Recent data shows 86% of internet users use proxies for better security.

HTTPS and SOCKS5 are the safest proxy types to use.

Make sure your proxy works with any browser extensions you have.

Always use a trusted proxy provider for the best results.

Estonia has one of the fastest internet speeds in Europe.

Using an Estonia proxy can give you access to this speedy connection.

Remember to check if the proxy is working by visiting a website that shows your IP address.

• Estonia Proxy Benefits:

  • Access Estonian websites
  • Protect your privacy
  • Bypass geo-restrictions
  • Faster internet speeds

Keep your proxy details safe and don’t share them with others.

What are the most commonly used phone and residential carrier operators in Estonia? (Market share and the number of IP addresses they manage.)

Estonia’s phone and internet market is led by a few big companies.

These companies manage most of the country’s internet addresses.

As of 2023, the largest mobile operator has about 40% of the market share.

The second-largest has around 33%, and the third has about 27%.

For home internet, the biggest company serves nearly half of all customers.

The top three companies together control over 80% of the residential internet market.

These companies offer both mobile and home internet services.

They also provide TV and landline phone services to many homes.

Estonia has very good internet coverage, with 99% of households having access.

The country is known for its fast internet speeds, ranking in the top 20 globally.

5G networks are expanding quickly across Estonia.

Many people in Estonia use their mobile phones to access the internet.

Here’s a simple breakdown of the mobile market:

  • Largest operator: 40%
  • Second-largest: 33%
  • Third-largest: 27%

The residential internet market looks like this:

  • Biggest provider: 48%
  • Second-biggest: 22%
  • Third-biggest: 12%
  • Others: 18%

These numbers show how a few companies dominate Estonia’s telecoms market.

11 September 2024